Rustic Charm
Yellow and Purple Bouquet
Spring is Sprung
A Spring Bouquet
Sunshine Yellow
Glorious Tall Centerpiece
Blue and Yellow Reception at IU
Blue and Yellow Guest Bags
Brightly-Colored Floral
Florals and Long Table at the IMU
Romance at the Wells House
Bride on the Piano
Blue Shoes and Yellow Bouquet
Determined Wedding Party
Evening Kiss
Moonlit Moment
Alumni Hall at IU
Fabulous Flowers
Bride with Yellow and White Bouquet
Sycamore Farm Wedding
On the Water
A Minty Green Cake
A Strawberry Treat
Centerpiece from Above
Flowers and Lace
Blowing in the Wind
Green Placecard
Lace and Lilies
Floral Fantastic
Outdoor Ceremony