Say “I Do” to a Disaster-Free Wedding With These 8 Smart Fail-Safes

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May 22, 2024

People spend months or years organizing their weddings, but that doesn’t ensure everything will stay on track. Sometimes, emergencies and accidents happen.

Plan around the things outside of your control with these smart fail-safes for weddings. You’ll have a solution for nearly everything that could go wrong, which may reduce the last of your wedding stress.


1. Invest in Wedding Insurance

There’s insurance for nearly everything, including marriage ceremonies and receptions. As you determine your overall budget, look into the types of wedding insurance — cancelation and liability. A cancelation policy will return your non-refundable deposits if you need to cancel for a reason listed within your policy documentation. Liability insurance pays for any venue damages or guest injuries.

You don’t need these policies to have a great wedding, but they’re an excellent backup plan in case of an accident or cancelation. Compare policy providers to get the best coverage for your specific venue or date.


2. Choose Less Busy Travel Routes

When it’s time to leave for your venue on your big day, you might pull up your preferred maps app for directions. The provided route will get you there in a timely manner, but it’s also giving that map to other drivers heading to the same area.

Use the suggested map as a guide to find parallel backroads whenever possible.You’ll encounter fewer drivers and reduce your chance of a potential car accident. Just leave a few minutes earlier to account for things like stop signs and intersections.


3. Rent a Generator

Many professional wedding venues keep generators on site, but others don’t. You might also not have one if you’re getting married in someone’s home. Consider renting a generator for your big day in case your power goes out during a surprise storm or after a car crash snaps a nearby utility pole.

If you’re worried about the appliance making noise, talk with your local rental company about each of their machine’s decibel ratings. Brands make generators quiet enough to earn low ratings of 70 to 72 A-weighted decibels compared to the standard noise rating of 92 A-weighted decibels. You could set it up on an unused side of your venue to keep it out of pictures and minimize its volume if you need to use it during a power outage.

4. Plan for Rainy Day Pictures

Even the best forecasters can’t guarantee perfect weather. Turn a potential rainshower into an opportunity by getting rainy day photo props. You could wear matching rainboots with your bridesmaids or pose for family photos with themed umbrellas. If storm clouds start to gather, they’ll only present another way to have fun during your wedding.


5. Work With Professional Vendors

Friends and family members might offer to help with your ceremony or reception so you can save money, but try to work with professionals whenever possible.

If you hire a chauffeur to drive you to the airport after your reception, they’ll know to let the radiator rest for at least an hour and check for leaks if your car breaks down during your ride. Your best friend from college might only panic, ruining your day and slowing your trip to the airport.


6. Find a Few Backup Locations

Every couple chooses a venue for their wedding, which might take weeks to decide on. While you’re considering your options, list a few backup venues in case of an emergency.

If the worst possible disaster occurs — like a fire breaks out at your venue the day before your ceremony — you’ll know exactly where to redirect your guests and vendor teams. Choose spots that are easy to book last minute, like an available backyard, public park or hotel conference room. Depending on how you decorate your last-minute space, it could become just as beautiful as your original venue.


7. Select a Venue Based on Its Bathrooms

Numbers are the key to hosting a successful wedding. Stick with guidelines like sending save-the-dates 10 months before your ceremony, ordering at least a bottle of wine per guest and choosing a venue with more than one bathroom.

If someone clogs the toilet or the sink breaks, you’ll have backup bathrooms ready to go. This tip might seem obvious, but many small or historic venues lack multiple bathrooms based on when they were originally built. If all else fails, you can always rent portable toilets for the night.


8. Boost Your Vitamin Intake

No one deserves to get sick before saying, “I do.” As the months leading up to your wedding shrink into a handful of weeks, try exploring new healthy recipes. Selecting ingredients fortified with nutrients will help your body fight potential viruses.

Vitamins D, C, E and A all strengthen your immune system, so select recipes based on ingredients with those vitamins to make your immune system nearly unstoppable and stay healthy for your big day.



Disaster-Proof Your Wedding With Ease

Your wedding will be one of the best days ever, but things can still go wrong. Use these smart fail-safes to plan a disaster-free day. You’ll have an idea for any potential problem, so if things start sliding out of control, you’ll have simple solutions ready to save your ceremony.


Author Bio: Oscar Collins is the editor-in-chief at Modded, where he writes about a broad spectrum of topics. Follow him on Twitter @TModded for frequent updates on his work.



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