Planning & Parties Blog
Should You Invite Children to Your Big Day?
Kathy Guy | September 10, 2010The picture is clear as I remember the 8 year old boy in his two piece navy suit with his little tie loosened commanding full attention. He took center stage as he wildly danced to "She's a Brick House!" Everyone laughed and smiled at the beginning, but as his parents restrained him during the special dance moments of the evening, it moved to just plain irritating!
Marrying Your Money
Cathy Merrill | September 10, 2010For millions of couples, pooling finances after years of making their own money decisions and combining incomes can cause marital conflict. Newlyweds often think that money matters will just fall into place. Merging finances requires communication, compromise, honesty and trust-the very ingredients that, in part, form a strong partnership.
How to Pamper your Out-of-Town Guests
Cher Goggins | September 10, 2010There are a number of ways you can pamper those traveling near and far for your wedding. The most popular choice this season is to offer them a personalized gift bag. These simple gestures are a great way to let your closest friends and family know how much you appreciate the time, money and energy they sacrificed to attend your big day.
Jaclyn and Dave Kennedy's First Dance
Josh Savage | September 10, 2010Newlyweds, Jaclyn and Dave Kennedy are finally relaxing after the whirlwind of their marriage. Aside from the typical wedding preparations, the Kennedys decided to add another element to their special day that would make it an occasion unlike any other. Hoping to surprise their friends and family, Jaclyn and Dave secretly began the hunt for ballroom dancing lessons.
Planning an Outdoor Reception
Anne Landis | September 10, 2010The place you've selected to hold your wedding reception, perhaps more than any other element, will set the tone for the entire event. While the differences in wedding venues are vast-few venues can compare with the great outdoors when it comes to creating an awe inspiring wedding-day, and the choices are limitless: a dramatic sunset beach, fragrant and romantic botanical gardens, a favorite public park, or the sentimental familiarity of your own backyard. Think sunsets, cool breezes, and the tranquility of a twinkling, star-filled sky...the possibilities are endless.
Francine's Friends Mobile Mammography
WeddingDay | September 10, 2010What does a wedding have to do with Francine's Friends, the mobile mammography program supported by Francine's Friends, in partnership with Parkview Comprehensive Center and the Breast Diagnostic Center? Just ask Rosie Werling.
Etiquette, Schmetiquette: What's the Point?
WeddingDay | September 10, 2010How do you address an envelope to a military officer? How should an invitation be written when both sets of parents are divorced? What if you're paying for your own wedding? How do we tell guests where we're registered? These are just some of the common questions many couples have when composing their invitations.
To Hire a Wedding Planner or Not...That is the Question
WeddingDay | September 10, 2010The history of Wedding Planners does not go as far back as many other wedding industry professions. In the preliminary phase of writing this article, I had to reflect on my own Mother's wedding day. I am almost certain she would not have considered a Wedding Planner. Presumably, she had not even heard of a Wedding Planner. I asked myself, why the change?
Including All
WeddingDay | September 10, 2010Since a marriage is a defining moment of life change for the future, it's also a time to reflect on the past. Couples recognize the supportive role that their families have played in their lives emotionally, intellectually, financially, and relationally. Clearly, they can't repay them - it's not the point.