How You Can Save Your Marriage

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August 16, 2023


Marriage can be one of the most rewarding relationships in life. However, it also requires constant effort to keep the connection strong. When challenges arise, you may feel like giving up. But don't lose hope! Many marriages go through rough patches but emerge stronger than ever. With some practical tips and commitment from both partners, you can get your marriage back on track. Here are 15 proven ways to save your struggling marriage.


Communicate Openly and Honestly

Communication is the lifeline of any relationship. When communication breaks down, misunderstandings arise and partners drift apart. Make communication a priority in your marriage again. Set aside time each day to talk openly and honestly with your spouse. Listen attentively to understand their perspective. Express how you feel using "I" statements. Communicate needs and work together to find solutions. Reestablishing healthy communication will help you tackle problems as a team.


Spend Quality Time Together

In the midst of hectic work and family responsibilities, it's easy for couples to stop spending quality time together. Make time for just the two of you by going on weekly date nights. Do activities you both enjoy like hiking, cooking a meal together, seeing a movie or simply talking over coffee. Focus on having fun and bonding. This will strengthen your friendship and intimacy.


Show Appreciation and Affection

When marriages struggle, spouses often withdraw and stop expressing affection or appreciation for one another. Break this negative pattern by making an effort to show you care. Compliment your spouse, give hugs, say "I love you", hold hands, send a sweet text etc. Emotional affection is vital for bonding and happiness in marriage.


Work on Intimacy and Sex Life

Intimacy and sex promote closeness between spouses. But when tensions arise, couples often stop being physically intimate. Reignite the spark by making intimacy a priority again. Set the mood with romantic gestures like flowers or candles. Be more affectionate in everyday interactions. Schedule time for sex and keep things exciting in the bedroom. A fulfilling sex life fosters security and happiness in marriage.

Resolve Conflicts Constructively

All married couples argue at times. The key is resolving conflicts in a healthy way before they spiral out of control. Take a break if you get overly heated. Present your side calmly and really listen when your spouse shares their perspective. Look for win-win solutions and be willing to compromise. Learn tools like active listening and "I feel" statements. With practice, you can navigate disagreements in ways that bring you closer.


Seek Outside Help if Needed

Don't be afraid to enlist outside help from a trained marriage counselor or therapist if you continue to have difficulties communicating, resolving conflicts or reconnecting intimacy. A professional therapist can give you tools to improve your marriage and work through deeper issues constructively. Many couples find counseling successfully gets their marriage back on track.


Work on Personal Growth

Often when marriages become troubled, one or both partners stop working on personal growth. Make improving yourself a priority again. Work on habits or behaviors your spouse has expressed concern over. Read relationship books, take a class or see a counselor to manage stress, depression, anger issues, financial pressures or anything else causing you to neglect your marriage. Your personal growth will strengthen your relationship.


Make Your Spouse a Priority

When other priorities like work, children or hobbies become all-consuming, your spouse can feel neglected. Balance is key. Be intentional about setting aside couple time and showing your spouse they are still a top priority. Put your phones away, turn off the TV and truly focus when you are together. Your spouse should know they have your full attention.


Reflect on the Positives

When tensions arise, it's easy to only see the negatives about your spouse and marriage. Counteract this by intentionally reflecting on the positives. What first attracted you to your spouse? What do you admire about them? What examples show their love and commitment to you? What blessings has the marriage brought to your life? Reflecting on the good will inspire gratitude and optimism about your future together.


Work as a Team

Marriages often derail when spouses start keeping score instead of operating as a team. Shift to a teamwork mindset by seeing challenges as shared problems to tackle together. Support each other's goals and show empathy when your spouse struggles. As a team, you can withstand challenges, celebrate victories and grow stronger together.

Do Acts of Kindness

When marriages become strained, spouses often stop doing kind things for one another. Reverse this pattern by intentionally practicing small acts of kindness and service. Make their coffee, put gas in their car, leave a sweet note, pick up their dry cleaning, cook their favorite meal etc. Thoughtful gestures remind your spouse you care and reignite warmth.


Seek Spiritual Guidance if Appropriate

For couples with shared faith, seeking spiritual guidance and support from your religious community can help strengthen your marriage. Many faith traditions offer marital counseling and classes to help couples communicate, forgive, renew commitment and heal. Some provide mentor couples who can offer guidance and encouragement. Shared spiritual practices like prayer and studying sacred texts together can also deepen marital harmony.


Forgive Each Other

Letting resentment or bitterness fester damages marriages. When conflicts happen, choose to forgive one another. This doesn't mean ignoring real issues or problems in the relationship. But you can release the desire for vengeance and move forward. Focus on building understanding between you, ask for forgiveness for your own mistakes and start fresh with a clean slate.


Renew Your Commitment

Hard times can tempt spouses to give up. Combat hopelessness by intentionally renewing your commitment to one another and your marriage. Recall the vows you made on your wedding day and reaffirm your choice to stick together. When you hit rough patches, refocus on why you got married in the first place. Renew your determination to work through struggles side-by-side.



All marriages go through ups and downs. During difficult seasons, try not to lose hope. Instead, come together and take intentional steps to reconnect and strengthen your bond. With mutual effort, understanding and commitment to growth, you can save your marriage. Focus on rebuilding affection, communication, intimacy and partnership. If you continue working at it, you can revive the love and joy you first felt. Don't give up on each other. With these tips on how to save your marriage, and support if needed, you can survive this challenge and build a thriving marriage.



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