This Natural Michigan Wedding is Full of Whimsy: The Real Wedding of Devon and Adam Gorney

Photos ByTiffany Backmeier Photo

Chrysa Keenon's picture
Written By
Chrysa Keenon
January 22, 2020

Devon met Adam at a party and the two talked the night away with their shared interests. When it was time to pop the question, Adam enlisted the whole family for help! The couple stopped by Adam’s house before they went out to dinner, and the entire family came out to hold up poster board letters that spelled out, “Devon, please marry Adam.” We love it when the whole family is part of the special event!


Devon had only tried on six dresses before she found the perfect one for her. “I knew of the style I wanted,” she explains. “I wanted an A-Frame dress with flowers on it, but I was also open to other dresses of different styles and patterns!” We love the style she went with. That elegant lacework is gorgeous.


This couple planned their wedding in five months. Talk about hustle! Devon explains that if she would have had a longer planning process, she would have second-guessed herself or changed her mind. She chose vendors based on reviews and recommendations from friends.



Advice from the couple

Devon urges couples not to invite strangers just to please your family or friends, and to spend as much as you need to to make it perfect. She says, “Do not go cheap on vendors or items that are important to you. And stop to enjoy your wedding day as much as you can. It will be a whirlwind of an evening and you and your new husband need to enjoy as many seconds of it as you can.”





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