Shopping For The Right Photographer

Laura Geiger's picture
Written By
Laura Geiger
January 17, 2011

There is something very exciting and comforting about that instant and natural rapport between client and photographer. It’s the same good feeling you get when you connect with anyone for the first time. This should hold true for all the key players in your wedding day. DJs, planners, caterers, florists, etc… When I meet with potential clients I am interested in their story, individually and as a couple. I want to know how they met and what their connections and common interests are. 





We all know very quickly if we are a match or not. And either way is okay because you, the bride, are simply “shopping”. Obviously, you want amazing photographs that you will treasure forever, but you will also want the fond memories that went along with capturing that moment in which the picture was taken. Be certain that you are a good fit with your photographer – personality and professionally speaking. Do you prefer more posed portraits or cutting loose in a park involving some jumping and laughter? As a photographer, it is exciting going into a wedding day, knowing and caring about the couple and wanting to contribute to the experience in a most positive way. At the end of the day, it is all about the people that have touched your life in some way and the making of and capturing priceless memories.

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